
What is difference between Region and Zone?

A region and a zone are geographical terms used to describe different areas in the world. Regions are large, general geographic areas that may be defined by their physical environment, culture, or political boundaries, while zones are smaller, more specific divisions within these broader regions that usually have some specific characteristic, like an economic purpose, …

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what is kubernetes

How to List all Resources in a Kubernetes Namespace?

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It is used to orchestrate and automate deployments, allowing applications to be quickly and easily scaled up or down as needed. As more and more organizations use Kubernetes to manage their container infrastructure, being able to list all of the …

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What is TCP/IP model?

TCP/IP model is the main architecture for communications in today’s digital networks. It stands for Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol and serves as the foundation for internet communication. The TCP/IP model consists of four layers: application, transport, internet, and link layers. This blog will focus on outlining the various components of the TCP/IP model, …

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tcp osi

What is the difference between OSI and TCP/IP models?

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) are two of the most prominent and widely used communication models for computers. They are both layered models and both support the same communications functions; however, there are several key differences that distinguish them from each other. The OSI model is a conceptual …

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How OSI model discovered?

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is an architectural framework developed to help standardize communication protocols between different computers, networks, and systems. It is a seven-layer model that was created to ensure communication works reliably and efficiently across all types of networks. The model and its components are widely used today in almost every networked …

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