What is subnet mask?

A subnet mask is an important tool used in computer networking. It is a 32-bit number that divides an IP address into network, subnet, and host addresses. This allows multiple network segments to communicate with one another over the same IP address. In this blog post, we will discuss what a subnet mask is and how it works.

First off, a subnet mask is a unique identifier assigned to every device on a network. It helps define which part of the address belong to the network, as opposed to the host. The subnet mask is used in conjunction with the IP address to divide the network into smaller portions of address space.

The subnet mask consists of four octets, which are groups of eight bits. Each of the octets has a decimal equivalent and the sum of all four octets represents the mask size. For example, a mask size of 24 would represent the following numbers:

The first octet defines which portion of the IP address belongs to the network and which portion belongs to the host. For example, if the first octet has a value of 255, this indicates that the entire first octet is dedicated to the network, and any remaining addresses are for the host. The second octet defines the second part of the network address, and so on. The last octet defines the host portion of the address.

In addition to defining the network and host segments of the IP address, a subnet mask also helps identify the type of network traffic which can be sent across the network. Each octet of the mask defines the number of bits of the IP address which must match in order for a packet to be sent. For example, if the mask size is set to 24, then any two IP addresses that have the same first three octets will be able to communicate with each other.

By using subnet masks, networks are better organized and communication is more secure. Furthermore, it’s easier for administrators to identify and troubleshoot network issues.

To simplify, a subnet mask is a way of dividing the network into manageable chunks. It is a 32-bit number that defines which portion of the IP address is for the network, and which portion is for the host. Additionally, it helps determine which types of network traffic can be sent across the network. Subnet masks are essential for networks, large or small, and are essential for proper functioning of modern networking technologies.

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