
What is Readiness probe and Liveness probe in Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It has become increasingly popular due to its ability to quickly deploy and scale distributed applications. Kubernetes uses two key concepts to ensure optimal performance: readiness and liveness.

Readiness probe is a Kubernetes feature that checks whether a pod can accept requests. It looks at the health of the container and its dependencies before admitting it into the service mesh. If the pod is not healthy or dependencies are not met, Kubernetes will keep it out of the service mesh until it’s ready. Readiness ensures that when a new pod is deployed, its uptime is rapid and uninterrupted.

Liveness probe is another Kubernetes feature which performs periodic health checks on a running container to make sure it is functioning correctly. If the container fails the check, Kubernetes will restart or terminate it depending on the result. This prevents unresponsive pods that can degrade the performance of the application or bring it down completely.

In summary, readiness and liveness in Kubernetes provide the infrastructure for reaching high-availability and rapid uptime for applications. By checking the health of containers before entering the service mesh and periodically during runtime, Kubernetes can ensure optimal performance without fail.

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