How can you become a good DevOps engineer?

DevOps Engineer is one of the most demanding job profiles in the current IT industry. “The role of DevOps Engineer has seen a 225% jump in postings on Indeed,” according to an SD Times report.
Let’s see some points which can help to become a good and valuable DevOps engineer.

Learn the basics of software development, networking, and system administration:

In order to become a successful DevOps engineer, you must understand different aspects of software engineering, network administration, and system administration. Having a good grasp on all of these subjects will give you a strong foundation on which to build your DevOps skillset.

Understand the fundamentals of cloud computing:

Cloud computing is becoming more popular and being able to understand the concepts of cloud infrastructure is essential for DevOps engineers. You should have a solid understanding of deploying, managing, and monitoring applications and other services in a cloud environment.

Get familiar with scripting and automation:

Automation is key to successful DevOps processes, and the ability to write scripts and automate tasks can be invaluable. Become proficient in languages such as Bash, Python, Ruby, and others that are often used in DevOps scenarios.

Develop your soft skills:

As a DevOps engineer, you will be working with many different teams and stakeholders. Strong communication and interpersonal skills can help you collaborate with colleagues and get the most out of your team.

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies:

The DevOps landscape is constantly evolving and it’s important to stay abreast of the latest tools, processes, and techniques. Staying informed allows you to keep your skillset current and make sure you don’t fall behind industry standards.

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