Learn about DNS by small story

Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms, Kingdom A and Kingdom B. In each kingdom, everyone was known by a different name. For example, in Kingdom A, Jim was known as “Jimbo” and Sam was known as “Sammie”. In Kingdom B, Jim was known as “Jimmy” and Sam was known as “Sammy”.

Now let’s say that someone from Kingdom A wanted to send a message to someone in Kingdom B. How would they know the correct name? To solve this problem, they created the Domain Name System (DNS).

The DNS is like a book or web page that contains all of the translations between the names used in different kingdoms. The DNS lets people search using one name and find out the corresponding name in another kingdom.

So, if someone searches for “Jimbo” in Kingdom A’s DNS, they will be given the name “Jimmy” in Kingdom B. Similarly, if someone searches for “Jimmy” in Kingdom B’s DNS, they will be given the name “Jimbo” in Kingdom A.

In this way, the Domain Name System quickly translates between the different names used in different kingdoms and makes it easy to send messages to people in other places.

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