What is difference between CloudNAT and Public IP?

CloudNAT and Public IP are both technologies used to provide internet access to a server or device. However, they differ in several ways.

Public IPs are IP addresses accessible from the public internet — meaning outside of your local network — and which can be used to connect to a specific computer or server. As such, one public IP address can only be used by one device at a time. Public IPs require manual administration and are typically associated with additional costs.

CloudNAT (Network Address Translation) is a technology that allows multiple computers or servers within a local network to share a single public IP address. Unlike public IPs, this allows multiple devices to access the Internet simultaneously without having to manually assign each device its own IP address. Furthermore, CloudNAT is generally more cost-efficient than public IPs, as it doesn’t require any additional fees or setup costs.

In summary, although both technologies enable online access, CloudNAT is a more cost-effective solution that allows multiple devices to use a single IP address to access the Internet.

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