
What is Scheduler in kubernetes?

Kubernetes Scheduler is the component of Kubernetes responsible for placing containers on nodes. It selects a node for each newly created Pod and ensures that no two Pods with conflicting requirements are placed on the same node. The scheduler takes into account several factors when scheduling Pods, such as available compute resources and labels assigned to nodes and Pods. The Kubernetes scheduler is the major component responsible for making sure workloads are allocated efficiently across all nodes in the cluster.

At a high level, the Kubernetes Scheduler works by:

  1. Identifying which nodes can satisfy the resource requirements and constraints specified in a Pod’s DeploymentConfig or DeploymentSpec.
  2. Utilizing the appropriate algorithms to select the best-fit node for a Pod.
  3. Ensuring sufficient resources have been allocated to a node before scheduling a Pod onto it.

The scheduler has many features and configurations, allowing you to optimize your cluster further based on your preferences and application requirements. For example, you can configure anti-affinity rules so that Pods are not placed on the same node if they have certain labels, or you can configure the scheduler to prefer nodes with certain labels. You can also configure the pod priority class, which allows your most important applications to be scheduled on nodes first.

The Kubernetes Scheduler provides an efficient way of managing the placement of workloads across different nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. By taking into account various parameters and considering the availability of resources, it ensures that workloads are placed in an optimal manner to make the best use of the cluster’s resources.

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